Parental consent

I, hereby signed

as a parent/legal guardian* of


allow my son/daughter/protege to participate in Urban Highline Festival during Carnaval Sztukmistrzów  2019, 24th-28th of July in Lublin.

I declare that I’m fully aware of the potential dangers connected with walking the highline, trainings and workshops, and I have acknowledged the Rules and Regulations as well as the programme of Urban Highline Festival during Carnaval Sztukmistrzów 2019 in Lublin, located on the

I also declare that I am aware that walking the highline tapes, trainings and workshops carries the risk of accidents, such as bruises, abrasions, burns, etc.

What is more, I am aware that all possible accidents can lead to permanent injury and damage to health.

I allow my son/daughter/protege* to take such risk and I declare that in the event of an accident (independent of the organizers), where the injured will be my son/daughter/protege*, I will not make claims or take any legal action or file charges against organizers of Carnaval Sztukmistrzów in Lublin.



date and signature



phone number

* cross out the unnecessary