Urban Highline Festival is known to be the first and the biggest urban highline event in the world. We make it happen since 2009!
Each year, in the last days of July, the city changes completely. Almost 300 highliners coming from 30 countries all around the globe gather in Lublin, Poland to take over the sky over tourists’ heads.
Our participants are coming here to walk the lines between historical buildings in some of the most unique locations, interact with audience, learn and integrate among a worldwide family of slackliners.
At the same time world’s best buskers arrive at Carnaval Sztukmistrzow to give spectacular shows and liven up the streets of Old Town.
Main partners of Urban Highline Festival 2022 are City of Lublin i Lubelskie Voivodship
This great spectacle lasts 5 days and attracts to Lublin thousands of tourists.
The number of viewers has grown 10 times in a decade. From 15.000 in 2009 to 200.000 viewers in 2019, based on city government estimations.
Whether you’re a highliner, tourist or our future sponsor – it’s your chance to become a part of something magical! Let’s meet in Lublin 😉